What fabulous design can you create on your OGees Board?

Sandey's Latest beaded wall hanging

Sandey Elzea (aka Sandey LZ) designed this beaded wall hanging on OGees Board, using 3,449 size 11/0 beads in a peyote stitch. The finished product is about 8.5". The tail feathers are layered bugle beads. This lovely piece is small by comparison. Her previous OGees Board designed necklace was almost 19,000 beads. Pictures of that are below, in an older post. Thank you Sandey for sending me pictures. I'm glad you are still enjoying OGees Board and creating beautiful beaded pieces.



1 comment

  • The OGees Seed Bead Designing Board has made my beading so much easier. I make really large pieces and it’s so much easier to layout all the beads on the board and be able to move them around as I design instead of drawing the design on paper and then trying to follow the design by using another piece of paper and lines to remember where I am on the design. Thank you Orly for your ingenious idea I’m sure you have saved me hours and hours of rework. Sandey Elzea

    Sandey Elzea

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