What fabulous design can you create on your OGees Board?

Bead crocheting

A bead crocheting  challenge to my fellow OGees Board beaders. At the Tucson  To Bead True Blue Show in February several ladies bought OGees Board, telling me it's perfect for designing patterns for bead crocheting. I admit I've never done bead crocheting, and I am looking at the online tutorials. So far I've managed to make some killer knots and crocheted things that I'm too embarrassed to share.  So, I'm asking you to use OGees Seed Beading Design Board to create a bead crochet design, crochet it, and send me pictures. I would love to share your creations on my social media. My ulterior motive is to learn and share, and I thank you in advance for your submittals.    Best regards, Orly

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